Rev. Randy Grier

Join us for five life-changing services with Rev. Randy Grier!


Saturday, May 19 at 6 p.m.

South Dayton

Sunday, May 20 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Monday – Tuesday, May 21 and 22 at 7 p.m.

Nursery will be provided for crawler – 4 years old

About Randall Grier Ministries

Rev. Randall Grier answered the call of the Lord Jesus to preach the Gospel while on his third escape from prison in May of 1982. The Lord spoke to him in Galveston, Texas and told him that His Spirit would not always strive with a man. Jesus said, “The devil has laid a trap for you. And you are about to walk into it and wind up dead and in hell if you don’t turn your life over to Me today.” Rev. Grier surrendered to the call of God and turned himself in to the authorities. When he went to court, the Lord miraculously delivered him from a life without parole sentence, but he would have to remain in prison for his prior felony convictions.


Rev. Grier was thankful he did not receive life without parole and prayed and studied the Bible continually while in prison. While praying out behind the prison on April 5, 1984, he had a supernatural experience with Jesus. Jesus said, “I am anointing you today to begin to enter into the ministry I have called you to and nations and countries will be changed through this anointing.” That very day, Rev. Grier entered into a powerful anointing to set the captive free. He was told by the prison authorities that he would be released from prison on parole in the month of none. Jesus taught him faith and what to do to get out of prison. He was released from prison on August 27, 1984, by a miracle of God! Subsequently, in July of 1993, he received a Full Pardon from the government. All of his civil and political rights were restored to him as well as the right to own and possess a firearm.

The highlight of Rev. Grier’s ministry was when Kenneth E. Hagin (Dad Hagin) sat down beside him, before he moved to heaven, and put his arm around him and talked with him about an hour about the ministry Rev. Grier was called to. Dad Hagin said to him, “Brother Randy, the Lord is endeavoring to move you into a ministry office and a place in the Spirit that you have never stood in before. The Spirit of Seeing and Knowing will come upon you in a great way and you will see and know things supernaturally.” From that day Rev. Grier has had many visions and revelations from the Lord Jesus Christ about the United States, the presidential office, the Supreme Court and the nations of the earth. The Lord has used him to minister to many individuals and churches and bring spiritual insight, spiritual impartations and victory to them. He has preached the Gospel and traveled nationally and internationally for 26 years because the Lord told him to. He is known best for his spirit of humility and his desire to see churches, ministries and Christians grow in Jesus Christ. His ministry brings HOPE to the hopeless, FAITH to the faithless and FREEDOM to those who are bound.

For more information on Randall Grier Ministries, click here or go to